Friday, January 28, 2011

Civility not Censorship

1) The first six words, "Civility in public discourse is important", mean that when in public, people should use discretion before they speak, or something they say could be misconstrued as something racially offensive to the people that they come in contact with.

2) The word "bellicose" means to be aggressively hostile and eager to fight. When Chavez uses this word to describe the metaphors, what she means is that politicians are always ready to stand up for their beliefs, sometimes even escalating into physical confrontation.

3) A. Chavez is trying to persuade the reader into believing that forcing select words out of our everyday vocabulary is a hindrance towards us being able to express our feelings. Also, we should be discretionary when talking to people, because what we say could possibly be taken the wrong way.

B) Chavez's best point in my opinion is when she says that the use of the n-word in "Huckleberry Finn" takes impact away from the book, and "deprives students from learning important lessons like racism and social mores of earlier eras."

4. I agree with Chavez. On the surface, those words are not bad. And while it's probably still not good to say them in public, we should still at least find out the true meaning behind them.
