Monday, October 18, 2010

Mitch Albom Article

1) Mitch Albom's point is that LeBron James's race is not the reason why he is being so criticized.

2) I completely agree with Albom. First of all, it was absolutely stupid for Soledad O'Brien to even ask the race question. When I saw the interview on ESPN, and the question came out, the only thing I could say was "What does that have to do with anything?". Second of all, this article is just evidence that LeBron James has turned from Cleveland's hero into a self-centered punk. Third of all, I think Albom is correct when he says that the race card needs to stop being played, just because an African-American person is being criticized for whatever reason.

3) I think that Albom's most effective point is that "ego knows no race". What he means by this is that LeBron James would still have a huge ego, whether he is black or white. He then goes on to explain why in a calm, relaxed manner, without ever using an exclamation point.

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