Monday, October 25, 2010

Law banning items from rearview mirrors is being rethought

1. The little-known Michigan law that bans items from being hung from rearview mirrors is finally being reconsidered, and this is the first time that Michigan residents have been exposed to the existence of such a law.

2. "I thought it was legal as long as it's not something that obstructs your view," Pentecost said recently.
I like this quote because it shows how most Michigan residents are unaware of the existence of this law in its entirety. Another quote I like is "He has driven for 30 years with a rosary hanging from his rearview mirror and has never been stopped or ticketed for it -- even when police pulled him over for other infractions." because it shows how authorities are unaware of the law as well, so it is not very well enforced.

3. I disagree with the ban, because as long as the item hanging from your rearview mirror is not obstructing your view of the road, I don't see it as a problem.

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