Friday, December 3, 2010

Sermon Diagnostic-Pastor Borghardt vs. Jonathan Edwards

1. Pastor Borghardt used the word "Christ" and its variants 16 times during the course of his sermon, using such verbs as "died", "was slain", "came", "reigns", and "makes us holy".

2. Pastor Borghardt's sermon differs from Jonathan Edwards's in that Pastor Borghardt's theme was forgiveness of sins, and it was very uplifing. Edward's sermon, however, has a theme of damnation and wrath, offering very little in the way of grace. Borghardt's sermon also mentions Jesus 10 times more in a much shorter amount of time (11 minutes) than Edwards's sermon (6 hours). Borghardt made very few references to God's wrath, though (the law, in that sense), in contrast to Edwards's sermon/speech, which was very repetitive about how God was ready to take judgment upon us. Still, Borghardt delivered a good sermon.

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