Thursday, December 9, 2010

Savior of the Nations Come

In one of Martin Luther's many hymns, "Savior of the Nations Come", he uses ethos, pathos and logos extensively throughout. First of all, ethos (credibility) is present because Martin Luther was one of the key figures of the Reformation, so it would make sense that such a strong Christian mind like his would be inclined to write a hymn praising God. Luther also uses pathos in this hymn quite a bit, using the terms "Wondrous Birth!" and "High the song of triumph swell!" to express gratitude and to honor Jesus. This use of pathos also helps to add to the light, cheery theme presented in the hymn, but seeing that it is a hymn celebrating Jesus' birth, that's really to be expected anyway. Diction plays a big part of Luther's hymn as well. When he uses the words "Wondrous", "Boundless", and "disowned" as opposed to words of lesser "impact" like "Great", "Big", and "denied", this word choice helps to add to the praise that is certainly due to Jesus.

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